Sunday, 30 January 2011

Numb feet

Thanks to the arctic climate, I've had to resort to running on a treadmill this week. It takes some getting used to as it's just so different to running on a trail or on a road. During my first treadmill trial I must've been tensing my shoulders a lot as I was hit by an excruciating neck pain later that evening. Being a hypochondriac, my immediate thought was, that I must have a SLIPPED DISC on my back. After a cocktail of codeine, paracetamol and ibuprofen and some research on the Internet, I ruled it out and made a diagnosis of a trapped nerve. First half of that night shift wasn't fun though.

I wasn't discouraged by this and I had another go on a treadmill two days later. No problems with the neck, but I think my new ASICS just aren't suitable for me, as with every run now I get totally numb feet and toes. It usually starts 20-30 min into running. It doesn't affect whole of my foot, just from the ball of the foot upwards towards toes. It's more annoying than anything and I actually have to stop and stretch my feet and toes. It goes away quickly when I stop running.slightly annoying as I had a proper gait analysis and fitting when I bought them, but hey, I guess you just don't know until you try them properly, i.e. run with them. Today I decided to run with my good old New Balances, and only the second toe on my left foot got a little bit numb. Hmmm. Is it the shoes or treadmill, as I braved the wind today and went for a refreshing, sunny run across the fields.

Totals for this week:

Body Combat x 1

Running: 3 sessions (10 + 12.5 +11 km), 33.5 km

Ice skating x 1

Play list top pick:

Friday, 21 January 2011


Muddy run today in a gorgeous but cold sunny weather. Amazed how green all the fields are.

Totals for this week:

Bodycombat x 1
Run x 2, total 21 km
Ice skating x 1

Friday and feeling Good!
M4- I'd rather be running!

Wednesday, 19 January 2011


Went for an easy, SUNNY, 10 km run in my new decathlon  gear (tights, limegreen longsleeve top and a gilet/vest). Slight improvement on my average speed as I managed 8.8 km/h today. Loved the sun and felt I could've run longer. Rest tomorow, next run on Friday after my ice skating lesson.

  Last week's top pick from my playlist is Cat:

Sunday, 16 January 2011

Through the rain

Had a fab run today despite THE RAIN! Yes, I managed to face my fear, or rather, a dislike to running in the rain. Not intentionally though, it started raining as soon as I left our street. I didn't manage to make EveryTrail to work on my iPhone, so I have no idea about the distance or avg speed. I did run for 1h20 min + 10 min cooldown. Max HR 177, avg HR 156. Kcal burnt 905. Excellent run and yesterday's total rest was clearly needed. Both calves recovered.

Friday, 14 January 2011


Little bit less running this week as my calves have been protesting and I really don't want to risk an injury. I've only managed one 6 km run with avg. speed 7.8 km/h and a run to and from to my local leisure centre (2 km total). I haven't been completely lazy though, just been doing other things. Here's this week's schedule so far:
  • Monday:      Body combat, excellent cardio and  upper body workout.
  • Tuesday:     6 km run.
  • Wednesday: Rest and sleep after night shift.
  • Thursday:    LBT (legs, bums, tums)-class and run to and from that class
  • Friday:        Ice skating (fab for your core and my "fun-thing forthe week") and spinning.

I'm planning a long run for tomorrow or alternatively for Sunday after night shift. Well, not straight after night shift, in the evening more likely. It can't be good to run right after finishing a night at work?

This week I've also started to read more about running. That's something I've never really done before. My strategy for my first marathon was: no strategy. Just run and see how it goes. I didn't know a thing about sub four's or sub three's. I didn't have a training plan but I had heard about THE WALL! (and did hit at 30 km). Somehow I managed to finish with fairly respectable 4.28, despite the lack of reading and meticulous preparation. This time though, I'm not only ten years older, but the race and the distance to cover is in a completely different league. I'm thinking of running a marathon sometime in May-June. Just looking for a nice one. Suggestions?

Saturday, 8 January 2011

Watery fields

After two days of pretty much constant rain there was finally a bit of sun and loads of water where there used to be fields.
Went for a surprisingly easy 11 km run. Felt very light apart from slight heaviness on calves. It's quite a pressure on my calves as I haven't really been running at all since September. Spinning just doesn't compare. Average speed 8.4 km/h.

Saw some "wildlife" too.
This week's top pick from my playlist must be this:

Thursday, 6 January 2011

Day 8: Rain rain go away (and stay away)

Too much rain, too cold, too depressing. Oh dear, it's not starting well. Haven't been able to leave the house today apart from compulsory schoolruns. Slept from 9.30-1pm. As the saying goes, sleeping is like putting money in the bank and I'll be grateful for the extra sleep tonight on a nightshift. I know I'll have to pluck up the courage one day and go for a run through snow and ice. That day just wasn't today.

Wednesday, 5 January 2011


Crossing the Millau Bridge will be challenging in more ways than one. Obviously, the running bit will be a challenge, but crossing a bridge that size (TWICE) when you are scared of heights, mountains, bridges and towers might be just madness!

What makes me want to do it? Pure evil, competitiveness and desire to prove a point. My husband, T, ultramarathonist and barefootrunner has been on my neck for years urging me to do it!

Training for Millau started on 30.12.2010 with a gentle 7 km jog through a not so nice neigbourhood, followed by a slightly more ambitious  11.4 km run through woods and fields on a sunny Sunday morning. Anoher 11 km run today, basking in the sun with wind blowing on my face, ahhhh. Felt very nice indeed.

Bought myself a new pair of Asics -running shoes today after visiting MOTI running shop's shoe lab. The guy in the shop seemed surprised to see that I wasn't heelstriking but landing on the ball of my foot. I got back into running 1.5 years ago but had to stop as I developed nasty shin splints on my legs. They didn't seem to recover with rest (3 months) but returned every time I attempted running. I didn't, however, change my shoes or buy £600 (YES £600) special orthotic insoles. I just changed the way I run and learnt to land on the ball of my foot. Shinsplints gone! My good old New Balances have served me well but after this BIG decision I felt like rewarding myself! I'm getting quite into this running thing and found a few nice things I could spend my hard earned cash on. I might be trying SKINS soon.

This blog won't be too technical or gadgety. I have never joined a running club as I don;t like the mentality of running with the taste of blood in your mouth reaching yet another PB. I quite like just putting my shoes and iPod on and enjoying it. This might change though as there are lots of miles to be run before I'm ready for The Crossing!